April is National Donate Life Month

April 1, 2019

Giving the Gift of Life

A by-the-numbers look at some of the surprising numbers* surrounding organ donation.


men, women and children are waiting for lifesaving organ transplants

Every 10 minutes

someone is added to the national transplant waiting list

1 donor

can save up to eight lives through organ donation, restore sight to two people through cornea donation and help heal more than 75 lives through tissue donation


the cost to donors and their families


the number of people who die every day waiting for an organ


the percentage of patients who need a kidney

1 out of every 3

deceased donors is over the age of 50


donors brought new life to recipients and their families in 2018


transplants have taken place since 1988

Anyone can register to be a donor and a national registry matches potential donors with people on the waiting list.

*Source: Donate Life America